"Keeping a promise to my late mother, is my greatest achievement in life, to date." Dr. C. Moorer
Dorris Jean Moorer
May 10, 1949 - August 19, 2010

Dorris Jean Howard, was born in Nitta Yuma, Mississippi on May 10, 1949 to the union of Easter May Howard and Robert Edward Howard. She was the first of five children born to this union. Dorris found Christ at the age of 13. She was baptized at Free Will Primitive Baptist Church in Dayton, OH. Dorris was a sweet, creative, and intuitive spirit. As a young girl, Dorris enjoyed singing, making crafts, and helping to nurture her siblings. She received all of her education in Dayton OH. Dorris graduated from Dunbar High School in 1967. She pursued coursework for 2 years at Wright State University earning enough credits to receive an Associates Degree. Dorris also completed vocational training in the area of administrative support to secure a position with the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation for State of Ohio. In Dayton, she met and wed her soul mate Cleamon, Sr. She managed and operated their auto repair shops in Dayton Ohio, Greenville, AL, and Detroit, MI. As a stay at home mom of (Julian & Cleamon), she exercised the ability to be in 2 places at the same time. She was a member of True Love Missionary Baptist Church, and Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Detroit, MI. In 2000, she retired from managing C&M Collision and relocated to Markham, Illinois.
She was an advocate for learning, reading, and education.
On August 19, 2010, she accepted God’s calling into eternity, to rest from her long labor.
"The official ribbon-cutting ceremony for the grand opening of the
"Dorris Jean Moorer Memorial Library" located at Horizon Science Academy Dayton Elementary School was held on March 8, 2013."

On March 8, 2013 - The Dorris Jean Moorer Memorial Library was officially opened and dedicated at Horizon Science Academy in Dayton, OH.