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Cleamon has a remarkable capacity to connect.  Be it a student, administrator, donor, fellow academic, businessperson, child or “average Joe” on the street, he has the uncanny ability to form instant connections that serve to inspire and constructively influence the countless people he interacts with from day to day.  This man is special – approachable, honest and always a voice of reason.  


Jack Aronson, Philanthropist and CEO, Green Planet Foods

Good Morning Professor Moorer,


I recently saw in Crain’s that you accepted a new position at Madonna University.  I wanted to reach out and congratulate you on your accomplishments and thank you for teaching me a substantial amount of information regarding International Business.  You’re one of the best professors that I have ever met and I hope that you continue to change the lives of individuals like myself.  May life bring you all the success that you want to achieve.  Dominican will never be the same without you!



Joe Aiello, Private Wealth Management Intern, Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.


"Dr. Moorer is one of the most influential Professors I’ve had in my scholastic career. His lectures exude his high level of knowledge, intrigue learners, and enable comprehension as well as application among students. He displays his commitment to learners by offering personal testimonies, sense of humor, knowledge, and experience. His character exemplifies a knowledgeable successful professional inspired by his faith in God. Dr. Moorer is a role model for many. He has inspired and mentored me to becoming a successful student, professional, and an aspiring Business Professor. You are appreciated, Dr. Moorer!" 


Lauren Anderson, Founder & CEO (Young Black Minds, LLC. Speaker's Bureau)


Professor Moorer provided me as a student, reflections and deep profound teachings, which I considered truly one of a kind, filled with thought-provoking engagement with challenges and encouragement, while yet down to earth applicable principles to practical everyday aspects of the latest businesses practices.  The quality of education Professor Moorer provided was undoubtedly, of a high caliber.

On a personal level, I ended up growing tremendously and best of all with the skills,  competencies, leadership concepts, and business strategies I learned, I will be able to compete in today's business world at a different level.  Professor Moorer deserves a standing ovation.  I believe Professor Moorer brings so much to our university that we should find ways to honor his talent, his dedication, and his passion for delivering highly skilled education.


Mauricio Beltran MBA, Contracts Administrator, City of Chicago


“Dr. Moorer is a uniquely gifted and energetic addition to Baker College. He is a collaborator, a committed educator, and mentor, and he understands firsthand the challenges associated with pursuing college and career.”


Bart Daig, PhD., President and CEO, Baker College System



Greetings Dr. Moorer, 


I hope this correspondence finds you in good health and spirits. I was a student in the last course that you taught at Saint Xavier University. That course was my first graduate course at SXU. Seeing an African-American male professor from the inner city inspired me to pursue a doctorate degree. As a result, after completing the MBA program at SXU, I enrolled in Benedictine University’s Higher Education and Organizational Change doctorate program. Traveling to BENU for the coursework and completing my greatest work to date (Dissertation - The Stories of Resiliency: A Study of African American Men Persisting to Higher Education Degree Attainment) was made possible because of our ancestors and brothers like you who continue to blaze this trail in higher education. I was conferred the Doctor of Education degree in May and look forward to doing more practical and scholarly work to help forward the educational pursuits of African American students. Your organization is doing great work and if I can be of assistance in any way please do not hesitate to ask. 




Arthur Davis, Jr. Ed.D. Adjunct Professor and CPD Detective


"As Dean of the Graham School of Management at Saint Xavier, I supervised Dr. Moorer as an adjunct and full-time faculty member.  I observed his classes several times and reviewed student evaluations of his classes.  Dr. Moorer was an outstanding teacher from the start and he was very highly regarded by his students.  He made classes interesting, used a variety of approaches to engage students, and utilized his academic and professional backgrounds to blend theory and practice."
John E. Eber, Ed.D, Dean Emeritus and Professor, Saint Xavier University
"Doc Moorer was one of the best Educators that I have ever come in contact with. He is truly devoted to his students and his work. It was a great learning experience being in his classes." 


Victor Guerrieri Sr, MBA, Lieutenant and Commanding Officer Canine Section at Chicago Police Department 


Dr. Moorer, it would be remiss of me not to share with you, my wholehearted experience in attending GSB 624 this past semester.  Your diligence and professional delivery of the course material was exceptional.  I left your class feeling totally energized and inspired to make this whole town a better place; to thrive in the world of business, and to maintain excellence in all my endeavors.  Your gift to me is that you were able to awaken that sense of ‘community’ within me; I am that person, that parent, that student, that employee, that group, that society, that population that can and will harbor ethical practices, effect organizational change, and make every effort to sustain the world not for myself but for others.  


Thank you! 


Dawn M. Gardner, Finance Manager, Adoptions Unlimited, Inc., Chicago


"I know of Cleamon’s subsequent work in higher education and he is indeed an energetic teacher, who is not only committed to scholarly endeavors but also enriching the experiences of both colleagues and students.  Cleamon’s strengths include leadership skills and a serious commitment to teaching and learning, as well as strategic and critical thinking abilities. Cleamon’s success can be attributed to several characteristics, a few of which are an analytical mindset, strong interpersonal skills, and the fact that he is highly motivated. "


Robert L. Head, PhD., President Emeritus, Rockford University


"Cleamon Moorer is, first and foremost, a world-class educator – with a passionate commitment to engaging students as active participants in the learning process.  He brings that same passion – as well as his deep personal interests in international business and social justice issues – to every interaction, both  inside and outside of the classroom."
Arvid C. Johnson, PhD., President, University of St. Francis


My experiences with Dr. C Moorer & Associates Inc., have been amazing. Last school year I was searching for a grant to help start a school library for the students in our K-6 building. We are a small Charter school and have always dreamed of being financially able to provide this for our students; however, the timing was never right. When I applied for the From Failure to Promise k-12 Educator's Grant, it seemed like the perfect fit for our situation. As fate would have it, Dr. Moorer contacted me to let me know we were chosen as a recipient. Since that first email, Dr. Moorer has been in consistent contact with me regarding our plans for the new library and has visited twice with car loads of books to get us started. He has demonstrated a true excitement and commitment to supporting the library and is always offering to help in new ways. This special room will be dedicated to Dr. Moorer’s mother, Mrs. Dorris Jean Moorer, a Dayton native, and our students will gain a daily appreciation and lifelong love of reading from their generosity


Jaime Lierly, School Director - Horizon Science Academy Dayton Elementary
"I have seen Cleamon present and teach in a number of venues, and I can say with confidence that you will find him an excellent instructor—well-organized, clear, and adept at changing his presentational approach to suit the levels and learning styles of his audience.   He creatively engages students by varying his activities and modalities, keeping his classes highly stimulating. Personally, Cleamon is a joy to work with:  congenial, task-oriented, self-directed in his work and learning, creative and open-minded, yet decisive.  His oral and written communication skills are exemplary, and he will be an excellent role model for your students."


Marsha Phelps, Ed.D, Vice President, Olive-Harvey College  


"Dr. Moorer is one of the best teachers I have ever had. I had him as a professor at Roosevelt in the MBA program for both Strategic Management as well as Leadership classes. His lessons are fun, thought provoking, inspirational and insightful. His assignments were definitely challenging but with purpose. Thank you, Dr. Moorer!!" 
Alex Untermyer, MBA, Senior Business Systems Analyst, Walgreens, Inc.

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